What To Expect When Getting A Skin Prick Allergy Test

Do you have bad allergies and want to get to the bottom of what is causing them? If so, you'll likely want to see an allergist to get a skin prick allergy test performed. Here is what to expect when having this test done.

Meeting The Allergist

It all starts with a meeting with an allergist to discuss the things that you are allergic to. You'll want to tell the allergist as much as possible so that they have an understanding about what is giving you allergic reactions. It will help to compile a list of allergies that you think you have prior to visiting the allergist, which can include certain foods that cause you to break out into hives, or even things that cause bad reactions when they touch your skin.

Creating The Grid

The allergist will actually make a grid on your back so that they can keep track of what allergen extracts they are putting on your skin. The size of the grid will depend on the severity of your allergies and how many things the allergist thinks is necessary to test for. It is common for an allergist to test for trees, grasses, weeds, molds, and indoor allergens.

Testing The Allergens

There will be a tray of containers that have allergen extract in them. The way the testing works is that a stick is placed into the extract with a tiny needle on the end of it. The stick with the allergen is then quickly placed on your back in the appropriately marked spot, which won't hurt at all. However, it may start to feel a bit itchy as your skin reacts to the allergens. You'll need to wait for a short while in the doctor's office and try your best to not scratch the pricked area on your back. 

The allergist will then come back to observe how the spots on your back reacted. This can help tell you the severity of each allergen by looking for raised red patches. Those patches are then measured with a ruler, with the measurement recorded to keep track of which allergens you may react more strongly towards than others.

Receiving The Results

The doctor will then make an official list of the things you are allergic to based on the skin prick test. They may simply send you home with guidance to avoid these things or recommend that you receive allergy shots as a way to diminish the reaction that you have for them. For example, if you are allergic to your cat, the allergist may recommend an allergy shot to help live with your cat on a daily basis. 

For more information about allergy testing, contact a local allergist.
