What To Expect From Allergy Treatment

ENT doctors specialize in the treatment of ailments of the ears, nose, and throat. They’re sometimes referred to as allergists, and they can help anyone who suffers from allergies. When unmanaged, allergies can reduce your quality of life. The constant sneezing, itching, and runny nose can make it hard to get comfortable or focus at work. Here are four things you can expect from your allergy treatment when you see an ENT specialist:

Ways To Augment Your CPAP Treatment

If you have sleep apnea, then your ENT specialist may have recommended that you sleep with a CPAP machine. Also called a continuous positive airway pressure machine, CPAP therapy helps keep your airway open by delivering pressurized air into your throat so that the soft tissues don’t collapse and obstruct your airway. Here are some ways to augment the effectiveness of your CPAP therapy to help enhance the benefits of your sleep apnea treatment.